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Helping Children Handle Stress

  As children reach their school-age years, they may experience pressure from a number of sources. These may be from...


Are you looking for a school where you can get a quality education, practical experience and a vast knowledge for...

2021/2022 NEWSLETTER

Kindly click on the link below to download the newsletter. End of Summer term 2021 NEWSLETTER

Master Moulders International Academy Celebrates Fruit Kebab Day

According to Michael Greger, “We should all be eating fruits and vegetables as if our lives depend on it, because...

Of Books and Worlds

Books are worlds. This is the way I feel about them. Or how do we experience the places we’ve never...

Visitation To “Sought After Orphanage” Home

It has become an annual tradition in Master Moulders International Academy to extend hands of love to the less privileged....

Channels TV Takes a Tour of Master Moulders International Academy

In view of the directive by the Federal Government for the apex class SS3 to resume in preparation and participation...

An Amazing Day at Dreamworld Africana

On Thursday, 27th February, 2020, the nursery department of MMIA went on an excursion to the Dreamworld Amusement Park, Lekki....

Excursion to Cretofit Workshop

The junior secondary students were taken to the Cretofit Workshop in Lekki, on Thursday, March 5th, 2020.  The excursion was...

The Glamorous Cooking Competition

The Glamorous Cooking Competition is an event that took place on Wednesday, 4th of March, 2020. It was aimed at...