Master Moulders International Academy Celebrates Fruit Kebab Day
According to Michael Greger, “We should all be eating fruits and vegetables as if our lives depend on it, because they do”.
At Master Moulders International Academy, we adopted this Fruit Kebab Day, as a means of sensitizing our pupils on the importance of eating fruits regularly.
We show the children the different kinds of fruits, the vitamins they add to the body, and the importance of eating them.
Most children would rather have carbonated and sugar filled drinks, but on the Fruit Kebab day, we are able to change their mode of thinking. We are able to show them that drinks, fruit salad and more can be made from fruits without adding chemicals.
The Fruit Kebab day, is one of the most important activities that we designed to engage our pupils.
The video above shows our pupils displaying their fruits and the fun things they where able to do with their fruits.
Fruits are the pillar of a healthy diet, and in this trying period of COVID 19, it is essential that we take a lot of fruits to help develop our immune systems.
Fruits like oranges, pineapple, watermelon, banana, strawberry and many more.
Most importantly, let’s remember that an apple a day keeps the doctor away.