Master Moulders International Academy

Career Day 2021

Career day has become an annual tradition at Master Moulders International Academy. This day provides students  with  a dynamic and innovative experience that facilitates a connection between their academic pursuits and professional aspirations in the future.

Career day is one way that we invigorate our students at Master Moulders to analyze their interests and passions as an extension of their academic program and in the process better understand themselves, their community, and the world.

We, also, teach our students the importance of building one’s career path. Knowing or determining where they want to go and how to get there, will most certainly, facilitate their search for the right and most suitable career that will help them enrich and make a difference in their community.

Teaching students to make the best of the moment and to explore every opportunity will, no doubt, assist them in their journey and their path to succeed.

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